Javascript ChartsFormatters
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Formatters allow individual item customisation based on the data they represent.

Please use the API reference to learn more about the formatters, the inputs they receive and the attributes they allow to customize.

Marker Formatter

Applies to series with markers, such as line, scatter and area, where each data point is represented by a marker that can be of any shape.

If we take a stacked area series where we want the markers of the second sub-series to be larger than default size, we could use the following formatter function:

function formatter({ yKey, size }) {
    return { size: yKey === 'electric' ? 12 : size };

series: [
        type: 'area',
        xKey: 'quarter',
        yKey: 'petrol',
        stacked: true,
        marker: { formatter },
        type: 'area',
        xKey: 'quarter',
        yKey: 'electric',
        stacked: true,
        marker: { formatter },

Series Item Formatter

Applies to series without markers, such as bar and pie, where each data point is represented by a series item with a fixed shape, for example a rectangle or a pie sector.

If we have a list of values by country presented via bar series and want the bar for a particular country to stand out, we could use the following formatter function:

function formatter(params) {
    return {
        fill: params.datum[params.xKey] === 'UK' ? (params.highlighted ? 'lime' : 'red') : params.fill,

series: [
        type: 'bar',
        xKey: 'country',
        yKey: 'gdp',

Legend Item Label Formatter

Applies to all series types. This formatter allows adjustment of the text label used for the legend item corresponding to a series.